climate, soils, agrochemical properties, potential, bonitation, spatial modeling, GIS-technologiesAbstract
A comparative assessment of the quality of soils, their potential fertility and production efficiency is expressed in bonitation points. Bonitation quantitatively expresses the properties of the soil, its value for the growth and development of plants. The valuation results are used in the planning of economic activity in order to determine and use as effectively as possible the potential of the soil and reduce the anthropogenic load on it. Soil bonitation is a logical continuation of comprehensive land surveys and substantiation of their economic assessment. The article presents the results of modeling and bonitation of the soil and climatic potential of agricultural lands in the Kherson region with the application of zonal soils valuation techniques and GIS technologies. There has been created a spatial model of the valuation of the climatic potential of the region based on spatially distributed values of the sum of active temperatures above 10°C, humidity coefficient, and climate continentality index. The study determined the heterogeneity of spatial distribution of the complex factor of the agrochemical potential of agricultural lands of the region as to the content of humus, nitrification nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. The quality index of agricultural lands fit for cultivating rainfed grain crops ranges between 5.5 and 34.2 points. A point unit is conventionally equated to a unit of the potential yield of cereals (c/ha). With the help of the presented approach it is possible to calculate bonitation points for any soil type, their agrochemical properties, climatic conditions and area; in this case, the obtained scale of points will be universal for zonal soils and will provide an opportunity to determine the potential of agricultural production in the country.References
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