physical, hydrochemical, biological properties of water, trophic state, Dnieper river, Dnieper reservoirs, spatial and temporal changes, interpretation, Earth remote sensingAbstract
The problems of rational water use and water quality assessment areamong priority tasks of many countries, particularly in transboundaryriver basins. The construction and operation of the cascade of Dnieperreservoirs has led to a radical transformation of the hydrological regime of the Dnieper river. As a consequence, there has been a significant deterioration of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of surface water quality, an increase in their trophic status, a decrease in performance efficiency and functional sustainability of the aquatic ecosystem of the Dnieper River basin, which is determined to a greater extent by anthropogenic factors. As a result of decoding a series of space images (August 1986-2016) of Landsat-5, Landsat-7 and Landsat-8 satellites with a spatial resolution of 30 meters, we identified a spatial and temporal trend of the change in physical (water clarity), hydrochemical (concentration of total phosphorus in water), biological (chlorophyll-a) properties of reservoir water areas. In our present studies we applied the trophic state index developed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and used to classify all types of water surface, including rivers. The findings show that the values of the trophic state index in reservoirs are distributed quite unevenly (from 26.5 to 56.5), the level of variation over the years of research being within 2.1-10.5%, which is due to the intensification or 'chemization’ of agriculture and climate change. These factors increase the hazards of biogenic substances accumulation as a result of soil erosion processes and trigger the ‘blooming’ of water in case of an increase of temperature in reservoirs. The trophic status level within individual reservoirs israther uneven and ranges from oligotrophic and mesotrophic in thestreamflow areas to eutrophic in stagnant water areas with a highertemperature regime, which occupy up to 40% of the Dnieper cascadereservoirs. The lower reaches of the Dnieper have a high degree ofregulation, and in some areas the trophic state index is more than 70,corresponding to the hypertrophic status. Continuous aggravation ofeutrophication of the Dnieper cascade water bodies increases theconcentration of biogenic substances, contributes to blue-green algaedominance in phytoplankton, reduces water clarity, increases organicmatter content, significantly deteriorates ecosystems and reduces thebiological productivity of the Dnieper River. The presented study ofthe trophic status of the Dnieper cascade reservoirs is of highscientific and practical value for determining the challenging areas oftheir water bodies and further priority development of reasonablespatially adaptive and integrated system nature protection measuresand enhancement of environmental sustainability and gradualrecovery of the Dnieper River basin ecosystem.References
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