mulching, irrigation, blackcurrant, sort, growth, increase, bushAbstract
The features of processes of growth and development are considered at the sorts of curranе black at the different systems of maintenance soil in band around the bush and presence of irrigation. As a result of the conducted researches it is set in 2010 - 2015 years, that total oneyear increase at a sort Muse after the variants of experience was in scopes from 12,09 m of to 14,40 m. An index was the greatest at the use of mulching material of agrofibre with the use of irrigation – 14,40 m and without irrigation at a sort Melody – 13,30 m. It is investigational, that as a result of study of influencing of mulching materials and use of tiny irrigation on biometrical indexes and total one-year increase of plants of the explored sorts of currant variants were the best with the simultaneous use of irrigation and mulching – agrofibre and straw.References
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