
  • T. V. Morozova National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • O. V. Mudrak Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education, Vinnytsia



bioindication, environmental monitoring, agroecosystems, pesticides


Agricultural ecosystems, unlike natural ones, have simplified structures and reduced species diversity due to agronomic demands for increased yield. They depend on human intervention, necessitating continuous monitoring to maintain their stability and productivity. Assessing the ecological status of agricultural ecosystems is crucial for identifying changes induced by external factors such as climate change, fertilizer application, and pollution. One of the most effective methods for evaluation is bioindication, which establishes the relationship between changes in indicator organisms and their environment. Specifically, morphological changes in plants can signal the impact of stress conditions. In the context of global challenges such as climate change and decreasing biodiversity, innovative monitoring approaches are increasingly important. Phytomonitoring is becoming a critical tool, as plants are sensitive indicators of climate changes and anthropogenic impacts. Plant cover provides valuable information about biodiversity, soil conditions, and ecosystem functioning. Plants are particularly responsive to abiotic factors, making them useful for monitoring the effects of climate changes and human activities. Spatial and temporal changes in plant communities help assess responses to climatic changes and anthropogenic pressure. Phytomonitoring of agricultural ecosystems can be conducted using both morphological and molecular methods. Morphological methods, based on identifying species by external features, require high researcher expertise and are dependent on the growing season. Molecular methods offer an integrative assessment of vegetation state and reconstruct historical biodiversity changes, which is essential for understanding the long-term effects of agricultural practices and climate changes. Emerging technologies such as computer-based morpho-colorimetric analysis and environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis provide precise monitoring tools for detecting morphological and color changes in plants and identifying rare species, respectively. Comprehensive assessment of agricultural ecosystem status should involve various groups of bioindicators. For example, stenobionts, which thrive in narrow ecological ranges, can indicate short-term changes, while eurybionts, adaptable to a wide range of conditions, help assess long-term trends. Combining these approaches ensures a thorough evaluation of ecological status. Biological monitoring methods, unlike chemical and physical ones, do not require prior identification of specific pollutants and are quick and cost-effective. This makes them valuable for monitoring agricultural ecosystems under contemporary ecological challenges. Special attention in biomonitoring is given to morphological changes in plants. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), reflecting deviations from symmetry in plant organs, is a reliable indicator of developmental stability and stress impacts. Measuring FA in leaf or flower asymmetry helps assess ecological risks and develop strategies to enhance ecosystem resilience. Research on the impact of various doses of complex fertilizers on the developmental stability of Trifolium pratense revealed that central vein length and lateral leaf parameters were the most stable indicators of FA. Optimal fertilizer dose (N30P30K30) showed minimal deviations, while control plants and those with higher doses (N60P60K60) demonstrated increased FA, indicating reduced developmental stability. Increased biomass was associated with reduced nitrate nitrogen content in soil, potentially disrupting internal homeostasis and decreasing developmental stability. Studies on fluctuating asymmetry in wheat leaves showed a link between FA and plant productivity, with the highest deviations at high mineral fertilizer doses (N120P120K120). Crop rotation with leguminous plants positively affected developmental stability, suggesting FA as an indicator of agronomic practices quality. Pesticides, widely used for pest control in agriculture, can have negative impacts on non-target organisms, affecting ecological balance through various environmental pathways. Climate change further intensifies pesticide toxicity, emphasizing the need for ongoing monitoring. Research on pesticide impacts revealed atypical phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster, such as color and size variations and wing and eye anomalies, indicating elevated pesticide levels in the environment.

Author Biographies

T. V. Morozova, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

O. V. Mudrak, Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education, Vinnytsia

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine




