ichthyofauna, ecosystem, water protection zone, spawning grounds, flood, river network, self-cleaning, aquaculture
A river lives in a floodplain – this thesis is the basis of aquatic ecosystems. Mid-spring thaw waters flood the floodplain, creating optimal conditions for spawning and development of live feed, selfpurification of the waters takes place. During precipitation, the floodplain is cleaned of impurities and suspended surface runoff.
However, due to ecologically unjustified economic activities – plowing of meadow floodplains, uncontrolled construction, parking of cars, cattle grazing in the coastal strips of water protection zones, etc., the functions of the floodplain were reduced, including the straightening of riverbeds during land reclamation and hydrotechnical construction. As a result, the river-flood ecosystem was destroyed, the conditions of the reproductive function were violated, and the natural spawning grounds of aboriginal fish species were cut off. Currently, with a decrease in fish productivity of the natural river and lake network, it is necessary to reproduce the principles of natural aquaculture and the normal life of the river network.
The floodplain of the river can have compensatory natural ecotones, improved and rehabilitative ones. Natural ecotones include floodplains, old rivers, old rivers, floodplain meadows and marshes, spawning grounds, first- and second-order tributaries. The improved ecotones include floodplain ponds, phantom lakes, channel floodplain fish breeding areas, connecting channels in the first supraflood section of channels to isolated lakes.
Artificial ecotones include floodplain quarries, ponds, and summer ponds. The summation of river bed ecotones provides an opportunity for the creation of fish breeding complexes. In particular, in the creation of Derazne on the Horyn River is a combination of ecotones: a tributary from the forest massif, natural springs, a floodplain lake, a meadow floodplain. The bay of the riverbed creates reproductive complexes with a mass of ecotones.
An important factor in the reproduction of aboriginal ichthyofauna is the combination of terrestrial (floodplain) and direct ecotones (wintering pits for the preservation of broodstock during the subglacial period). In the spring, the meadow floodplain with a grass cover creates, together with the heating of the water to t = 10o C, conditions for the reproduction of live fodder.
Author Biographies
S. V. Kovalchuk, SSU «Rivne Technical Professional College of NUWEE», Rivne
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Chairman of the Cycle Commission
Y. V. Hryb, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
A. D. Kalko, SSU «Rivne Technical Professional College of NUWEE», Rivne