solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation, human health, environment, human body, endocrine system, internal secretion glands
The article shows the reaction of the human body to the effects of solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, air temperature and humidity, noise, electromagnetic radiation and vibrations. It is proved that the direct cause of violation of the physiological activity of the body and the occurrence of the pathological process can be abiotic environmental factors.
One of the most important meteorological elements are temperature and humidity. The effect of high temperature on the body is accompanied by a decrease in attention, a violation of the accuracy and coordination of movements, changes in the immunological reactivity of the body (special antibodies are formed in the blood thermal agglutinins and hemolysins, which cause the gluing and death of their own red blood cells). Anemia develops, as well as hypovitaminosis in groups C and B (vitamins are lost with sweat).
Exposure to a low ambient temperature also results in stress on the thermoregulation system. With prolonged exposure to low temperatures, hypothermia (hypothermia) is observed. In a state of hypothermia, CNS depression is observed, which reduces the sensitivity of nerve cells and leads to a lack of oxygen and a subsequent decrease in temperature; the metabolism is weakened, which reduces the need for oxygen. The body becomes less sensitive to infection and intoxication, the immune system does not function normally, which can ultimately lead to the death of the body.
The causes of changes in health are caused, of course, not only by the action of radiation, but also by the deterioration of living conditions, nutrition, and constant emotional and psychological stress.
Adversely affects a person and can cause painful consequences of noise – symptoms of fatigue appear, attention is weakened, nervous excitability increases, efficiency decreases, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.
Today it is well known that noises adversely affect the health of people, reduce their performance, cause diseases of the organs of hearing (deafness), endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular systems (hypertension).
Author Biographies
A. Y. Hurskyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Candidate of Medical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
S. Yu. Buhlak , National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne