water environment, ammonium nitrogen, nitrates, nitrites, industrial storm sewerage, nuclear power plant
The impact of nuclear energy on the environment is a topical issue. This is due to the fact that the inflow of return cooling water to the surface waters of reservoirs-water receivers always contains a residual amount of thermal energy. In combination with a whole complex of natural factors, this can cause negative changes in water and ecological processes. In particular, there is a violation of the balance of substances of the nitrogen group. The purpose of the article was to conduct a factorial analysis of the dynamics of nitrogen substances in the water of the Styr River in the area of influence of the Rivne NPP and to evaluate the manifestation of the ecological effect of discharges of waste water with residual thermal energy. The series of data observations consisted of the results of monthly monitoring of ammonium nitrogen (NH4+), nitrites (NO2¯) and nitrates (NO3¯) in the areas of the Styr River before and after the discharge of industrial storm sewers of the RAPP during 2018–2021. It was found that the average values content in the water of the river Styr of substances of the nitrogen group slightly differ in the studied areas. A trend of increasing concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) in the cold period of the year and nitrite (NO2¯) in the warm period of the year was noted. A statistically significant inverse regression relationship was established between the concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and nitrates in water (r=-0.51 and r=-0.47, respectively) and the absence of a relationship between ammonium nitrogen and nitrites and a high correlation by content ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) – 0.867, nitrates (NO3-) – 0.825 and nitrites (NO2-) – 0.897 in separate areas. The factor load on the concentrations of substances was estimated. The balance of the natural process of nitrogen reduction and oxidation in the cycle of its transformation in the water environment of the studied sections of the Styr River was noted. It was concluded that there is no negative impact of the effluents of industrial and storm sewers of the Rivne NPP on the balance of nitrogenous substances. It is asserted that there is no manifestation of water-ecological reactions to the heat release of the RNРP.
Author Biographies
О. О. Biedunkova, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
P. M. Kuznietsov, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne