In the article the analysis of the indicators of the economic sphere given in the Strategy of Rivne development for the period until 2040 was performed. It was carried out according to the materials of SWOT-analysis and has a number of disadvantages concerning the agreement of strategic and operational goals with national ecological goals.
The evaluation of the strategic operative goals compliance in the new edition with the national ecological goals was carried out to the following scale: (++) – the strategy goals are well coordinated; (+) – the strategy goals are basically coordinated; (0) - the strategy goals are neutral; (-) – the strategy goals are neutral in relation to each other; (- -) – the strategy goals are basically conflict with each other.
New edition of the strategic goals of the economic sphere development was proposed as the following “The improvement of the economic sphere of the city life activity by means of stimulation the development of entrepreneurship, financial and investment, innovative and transport external economic activity” and includes three operational goals:
stimulation of updating industrial, transport infrastructure funds, objects of utilities and the development of small and medium business;
ensuring sustainable low carbon development of all industries of economics, giving priority to the development of light and food industries;
attracting of foreign and domestic investors to increase competitiveness of companies, as well as the development of logistic and trade potential on the scale of Eastern Europe.
A number of tasks are recommended which are defined to output critical indicators of economic sphere to the competitive level achieved by the cities Ivano-Frankivsk and Lutsk.
Author Biographies
V. S. Moshynskyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
M. O. Klymenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
L. V. Klymenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, (Ph.D.), Associate Professor