spring barley, sod-podzolic soil, phosphoazotine, yield, grain quality.Abstract
The influence of fertilizer on the growth and development of spring barley has been studied and the influence of phosphoazotine on the productivity and quality of spring barley grain has been analyzed and the efficiency of using the proposed fertilizer system has been established.One of the conditions for intensive agriculture at the present stage is the optimal management of nutrients and creating their active balance through the use of mineral fertilizers in the implementation of programmed yield levels based on a clear implementation of science-based system (model) measures and technologies for enhanced soil fertility reproduction. regional conditions.The genetic potential of modern varieties of cereals, including spring barley, has crossed the 10 t / ha mark. However, due to insufficient study of the biological characteristics of these varieties, lack of mineral fertilizers and financial resources, as well as changes in weather and climatic conditions, the realization of genetic potential reaches barely 40-50%. One of the important factors that significantly affect the productivity of cereals is the optimal fertilizer system.The agrochemical and economic feasibility of fertilizing spring barley with phosphoazitin has been proved and the optimal doses of fertilizers for this crop on sod-podzolic sandy soils of the Western Polissya of Ukraine have been established.Meat waste can be a valuable fertilizer due to its high protein content. This is one of the promising measures to reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. One ton of this fertilizer is close to 5 tons of manure.The positive effect of this fertilizer must be supplemented with mineral fertilizers. But in conditions of high prices for fertilizers, even partial replacement can give significant savings.Numerous studies show that the productivity of spring barley depends on its growth and development during the growing season. Given this, we were faced with the task of studying the effect of fertilizers on the growth and development of spring barley plants. Structural analysis data show that yield structure indicators also depended on fertilizer systems.References
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