river hydroecosystem, pollution, index.Abstract
The purpose of this article was theoretical analysis of modern scientific literature and studying of experience of ecological risk assessment of deterioration of river water quality. This is necessary to clarify the general trends in monitoring and management of river hydroecosystems.Some views outline the risk of water quality as a reflection of the state of the reservoir. As an example, determining the risk of water quality presupposes the possibility that the water quality indicator will exceed the set limit value (standard value of water quality concentration). There are also numerous studies that describe the risk in terms of the degree of damage to the water object. As an example, there is a study of the harm caused to human health by heavy metals in the composition of surface waters. Some researchers believe that the risk of water quality should be determined not only by one aspect, but by the combination of possible harmful events and their potential danger.To assess the ecological risk of river hydroecosystems, as a rule, modeling of the processes of changing the state of surface waters in the entire water-sampling basin is carried out. At the same time, there are many methods and approaches of both complex and detailed nature.It is worth noting that approaches and methodologies of assessment of water quality risks of rivers are not limited to those we presented in the article. However, the goals of each of them are to track concentrations of pollution of the water environment in order to further take administrative measures to reduce harmful influence on water objects and end-users.We have revealed the main trends in scientific approaches to assessment of ecological risk of surface waters quality of rivers. Their comparison is based on understanding the goals of environmental risk assessment and selection of methods that can meet them. The general common sign of the analyzed methods is their orientation on quantitative expression and qualitative characteristics of risk levels.An important point is the need for a sufficient set of data that forms a certain database and is subject to mathematical and statistical processing. In our opinion, the approaches that combine hydrochemical and toxicological methods are more objective, because this gives an opportunity to expose the danger of environment conditions directly for living organisms, which improves understanding of the risk of water quality and promotes management processes within the water basin.References
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Her-nando M. D., Mezcua M., Fernández-Alba A. R., Barceló D. Environmental risk as-sessment of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater effluents, surface waters and sediments. Talanta. 2006. Vol. 69(2). Р. 334–342.
Kucharski D., Nałęcz-Jawecki G., Drzewicz P., Skowronek A., Mianowicz K., Strzelecka A., Giebułtowicz J. The assessment of environmental risk related to the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in bottom sediments of the Odra River estuary (SW Baltic Sea). Science of The Total Environment. 2022. Vol. 828. P. 154446.
Comte L., Olden J. D., Lischka S., Dick-son B. G. Multi-scale threat assessment of riverine ecosystems in the Colorado River Basin. Ecological Indicators. 2022. Vol. 138. P. 108840.
A summary of US effluent trading and offset projects, US Environmental Protection Agency EPA, 1999. Office of Water, USA. EUROTOOLS, 2000. URL: (data zvernennia: 20.04.2022).
Zeleňáková M., Kubiak-Wojcicka K., Weiss R., Weiss E., Abd Elhamid H. F. Environmental risk assessment focused on water quality in the Laborec River watershed. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. 2021. Vol. 21(4). P. 641–654.
Risk assessment guidance for superfund. Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment). EPA/540/R/99/005. Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. Washington, DC, USA. USEPA, 2004. Vol. 1. 156 с.
Guidelines for drinking-water quality (fourth ed.), Incorporating the First Addendum. World Health Organization. 2017. Geneva. URL: (data zvernennia: 20.04.2022).
Akoto O., Adopler A., Tepkor H. E., Opoku F. A comprehensive evaluation of surface water quality and potential health risk assessments of Sisa river. Groundwater for Sustainable Development. Kumasi, 2021. Vol. 15.
P. 100654.