energy crops, soil "breathing", CO2 dissipation into the atmosphere.Abstract
Global warming is one of the most important environmental problems today, which is why studying the impact of any factor on CO2 outflow is an important task. Despite numerous studies, the effect of growing energy crops on CO2 emissions from soils remains unclear.The article presents the results of the study of the intensity of "respiration" of soils under energy crops under different fertilizer systems. It is shown that the differences in carbon dioxide emissions from the soil under different energy crops depended on the temperature, humidity, organic matter content and peculiarities of cultivation. Intensification of this process after plowing is noted.The seasonal dynamics of the potential capacity of the soil to produce CO2 under the same conditions of humidity and temperature with a maximum in July and gradual extinction by autumn is noted. It is determined that daily fluctuations in the intensity of CO2 emissions are 5-10% of the average daily level. A decrease in CO2 emissions was found in June with a further increase in July, which may be due to hot conditions, which caused a depressing effect on the growth and development of the soil microbiota.The influence of cultivated culture on the dynamics of CO2 emission index has been studied. Due to root respiration, the total flow of CO2 from the soil surface increases by an average of 1.2– 6 times in the cultivation of energy crops, which indicates differences in metabolic processes. The fertilizer system affects the production of CO2 by the soil and largely depends on weather conditions. Favorable hydrothermal conditions activate the activity of the soil microflora of the arable soil layer.In general, studies have confirmed the importance and necessity of monitoring soil respiration as an indicator of the stability of agroecosystems in the context of climate change.References
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