
  • K. Yu. Gromachenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • M. S. Yakovyshyna National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • N. O. Vitruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



badlands, disturbed lands, revitalization, recreation, recreational nature management, reclamation, sustainable development, tourism.


The threefold concept of sustainable development is based on the interdependence of three key aspects of development – environmental, economic and social. Significant environmental, economic and social problems arise in mining areas, when deposits are depleted and land is disturbed and landscapes degraded, unemployment rises and demographics decline. Currently, there is a significant tourist demand for the review of man-made landscapes, which is a consequence of drawing human attention to environmental issues. In particular, lands with sparse vegetation or "badlands" disturbed by human activities are very popular with tourists. The article analyzes the experience of Germany in the development of tourism in the Lower Lusatia – the old industrial region for lignite mining. The modern image of the Lusatian Lake as a tourist region is based on three main concepts: a large number of reservoirs, demonstration of industrial heritage and green energy. The revitalization of the depleted mining region has combined ecological recovery, economic and social development through the organization of new activities through tourism, job creation, expansion of tourist infrastructure. Another striking example of recreational area creation based on man-made landscapes is the Butchart Gardens in Canada, where the former limestone quarry has been transformed into a park area, which now receives more than a million tourists a year. Examples of successful transformation of former quarries of Rivne region into popular recreation and recreation areas are given, a description of the tourist route "Amber Trails", which includes granite quarries and lands disturbed by mass illegal amber mining. Rivne region has significant natural and recreational potential, where recreational and economic reclamation on disturbed lands in combination with tourist resources will have a significant social and environmental effect and will intensively stimulate the development of local communities.

Author Biographies

K. Yu. Gromachenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor  

M. S. Yakovyshyna, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer

N. O. Vitruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student


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