acclimatization, introducers, aboriginal species, inventory, life forms.Abstract
The article analyzes the availability of trees and shrubs in horticultural enterprises, all structural elements of the object, which are listed on its balance sheet, their quality, preservation, responsibilities and rights to obtain means of management and the reality of accounting data. In this case, the inventory was conducted to verify the presence of introduced and aboriginal species growing in the arboretum and their condition.Inventory data are used to identify local or mass diseases of green areas for the purpose of timely disease prevention, or the application of effective measures to combat existing diseases or pests of trees and shrubs.For the analysis of dendroflora were used methods of inventory of tree and shrub species and the distribution of dendroflora by life forms according to I.G. Serebryakov.According to the method of IG Serebryakov, among the woody vegetation there are life forms according to the ecological and morphological aspect. According to his definition, the life form is a peculiar appearance (habitus) of a certain group of plants (including their aboveground and underground organs – underground shoots and root systems), which arises in their ontogenesis as a result of growth and development in certain environmental conditions. This habit historically arises in these soil and climatic conditions as an expression of adaptation to these conditions. According to this doctrine, IG Serebryakov identifies the following life forms of plants: trees, shrubs, vines, grasses.Summing up, it should be noted that to date, only such introduced species as white fir and pine have been studied in the arboretum for 30 years: Siberian, European cedar, Korean, resinous, yellow and Weymouth. The rest of the dendroflora remains unexplored. In addition, the inventory data indicate a steady and steady decline in the species diversity of the arboretum, which requires detailed study and appropriate measures to preserve existing biodiversity.The data obtained as a result of dendroflora research will be used in the future in the selection of promising woody plants that can be used for landscaping of cities in Rivne region, as well as in the creation of forest crops.References
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