aquaponics, modern technology, environmentally friendly products, aq-uaculture, hydroponics, substrateless technological system.Abstract
Global environmental, social and economic problems that arise in modern society determine the need for new and improved solutions in the field of food production and consumption and the use of water resources [6]. Food production in such conditions requires innovative technologies that go beyond traditional agricultural methods. Aquaponics is a progressive way of conducting economic activity that impresses with its high results – a modern technology that is a hybrid combination of aquaculture (technological system of artificial breeding of fish and / or aquatic animals) with hydroponics (substrate-free technological system of growing cultivated plants in the aquatic environment). As a result of such a hybrid combination, a new symbiotic system is formed, which is both an environment for the production of fishery products and fruits and vegetables.It is a sustainable system that can combine the characteristics of traditional aquaculture together with the characteristics of modern hydroponic culture. They are the two main elements used to grow aquatic animals while growing plants. Fisheries waste is generated in the production process and can accumulate in water and be used in closed systems that circulate in traditional aquaculture systems.Although the waters are rich in toxic effluents, they can be dangerous to certain animals. The key is that these drains are an important part of plant growth and development. It is necessary to control the level of concentration of these effluents.In general, aquaponics is a rather interesting and promising technology, however, it requires further study and development of sound recommendations and principles of production of products in the system, therefore, today it is not widely used in production. The introduction and further development of aquaponics are actively engaged in by scientists and specialists of the USA, a number of developed European countries (Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, etc.). Aquaponics is considered to be one of the most promising technologies for growing agricultural crops in closed soil for the countries of the Middle East and Africa, which have very arid climatic conditions along with a significant shortage of high-quality fresh water to meet the needs of the housing, communal and water management complex.References
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