surface runoff, pollution, urban collection, point sources, diffuse sources.Abstract
The expansion of urban areas has a constant growth. This leads to an increase in anthropogenic impact on the environment. A significant impact is manifested as a result of surface runoff. Atmospheric precipitation that falls on city streets flows from roads, roofs of buildings, parking lots and other infrastructure facilities. They contain a large amount of impurities. These pollutions are multicomponent. They are formed by both point and non-point sources.The purpose of our research was to assess the influence of the territory of the Rivne city on the formation of the hydrochemical flow of the Ustya River and to find out the contribution of point and diffuse sources of pollution to it. For this, we used a specially developed model that was successfully tested by other researchers. The model involves determining the total amount of various pollutants entering the river from the city catchment and calculating the local pollution of the river by specifying the share of point and diffuse sources of influence.First, we established that in the central part of the urban sample under our study, the largest area is occupied by administrative buildings (29%), residential multi-apartment buildings (17%), and the railway (2%). About 10% is accounted for by residential manor buildings, green spaces and water protection zones, tourist and recreational facilities and sports facilities. It is also worth noting that within the central part of the city there is a small share of the landscape and recreation area (11%).Further, we found out that point sources were decisive in the pollution of the Ustya River by such substances as SO42- (61.8%), NO2- (84.6%), PO4- (98.8%), COD (94.1%), BOD5 (74.4%). Diffuse sources within the urbanized area of Rivne took a predominant part in filling the hydrochemical runoff of the Ustya River with such substances as Cl- (81.9%), NH4+ (73.3%) and NO3- (79.2%). Almost the same contribution of point and diffuse sources was found for suspended substances (48.9% and 51.1%), as well as a group of toxic substances: Fe2+ 57.0% and 43.0%), Cu2+ (43.5% and 56.4%), Zn2+ (47.6% and 52.4%), Mn2+ (50.5% and 49.5%, respectively) and F2 (57.1% and 42.19%), respectively.In our opinion, tracking the contribution of pollution sources to the formation of hydrochemical runoff of the Ustya River can be important for the further development of strategies and measures to eliminate pollution from the surface runoff of the urban catchment of Rivne.References
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