
  • O. T. Moroz National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • V. О. Klymenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • T. M. Shur National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



environment, natural resources, states, sustainabïe development.


The article analyses the main international principles of íegaí protection of the environment in their orientation and in the general context of the idea  of sustainable development. The topicality  of the chosen topic is related to the fact that environmental protection is а prerequisite for harmonious development of the system «man  - society - nature». It is ап important tool for raising the level of ап individuaï’s ecological culture and for understanding the need for the rationaï use of natural resources and the protection of the environment. These aspects form the basis of the basic principïes of sustainable development of society, in which the environmentaï dimension plays ап important role, and its maintenance requires the perfection  of regulatory  legislation, both within individual countries and at the international level. The system of rules governing inter- State and other international relations relating to the protection and use  of  the  natural  environment   is   international  environmentaï law. International environmental law is implemented through bilateraï and multilateral international treaties. Treaties were  binding  оп States, which were responsible for поп-compliance. tn the article, we anaïyze the principles of environmentally friendly behaviour of the world community, as set out in the Declaration of the United Nations Conference оп the Environment, adopted in Stockholm (Stockholm Declaration) which today remains а relevant reference in the field of environmental protection. Thus, we have found that the basic concept of cooperation between different countries focuses оп а  joint approach to the management of the environment and naturaï resources, and that the desire of the international community for а positive environmental impact, focus оп developing environmentaï ideas that can benefit society and ecosystems in the long term

Author Biographies

O. T. Moroz, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer

V. О. Klymenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Post-graduate Student

T. M. Shur, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student


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