Amber, illegal mining, resource, responsibility.Abstract
Today the agenda is the task of immediate adoption of a number of cardinal laws on the preservation of the national wealth of the country – amber and its protection from looting.Mechanisms of legal regulation of mining of mineral resources in Ukraine have always been and are topical and controversial on scientific terms of environmental law. Legislative problems that require state regulation and appropriate legal regulation are illegal (illegal) extraction of amber, which has long been and continues to cause significant material and ecological damage to the state.The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the law and its action in society is rather complex system of interacting various legal phenomena, or elements of the mechanism of legal regulation. These are norms of law, laws and other normative-legal acts, realization and application of the law, legal responsibility, etc.The negative ecological consequences of illegal extraction of amber are primarily degradation of zonal soils and subsurface mother rocks, destruction of fertile humus elite layer of soils of the sub-ash type, root systems of trees, waterlogging of the territory, change of soil water level, destruction of forest resources, change of migration processes of the region’s fauna.Persons who smuggling and violate customs rules, violate the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine for the movement of goods and vehicles through the customs border of Ukraine, causing damage to the economy, its cultural heritage, public health and public safety, and contribute to the expansion of the shadow economy sector.This problem has become particularly acute in the north-western areas of Polissya, which suffer from the merciless extraction of minerals, namely amber.The problem of producing amber is complex. It touches on many aspects of socio-economic, educational, cultural and political life of the country, as well as a number of important questions of natural sciences – geology, geomorphology, paleogeography and biology, including ecology of the region. Therefore, it needs a comprehensive solution at the state level.References
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