degradation, classification, quantitative and qualitative assessment, crisis monitoring, reclamation.Abstract
The analysis of investigation of the level of harm to soil cover of forest, agrarian, water-swampy ecosystems was given that could be changed within the limits from 5 to 80% at a rate of one hectar in area and from 0,7 to 20 m in depth having caused the annihilation of fertile layer of soil, the destruction of maternal and in some cases bedding types of soils, violation of hydrological regulations of the territories, the emersion of erosion process.Because of these reasons anthropogene cycle of evolution of forest, agrarian, water-swampy ecosystems soil cover, which was accompanied by slow reducing of their fertility in ordinary conditions, was changed by sudden (befurcational branch of evolution of soil genesis) degradation of their fertility indices.To estimate these sharp changes there was worked out classification based on binary system aimed at estimation of soil state, not broken by amber mining areas where the systematization is used based on their nomenclature, rating and diagnostics suggested by M.M. Sibirtsev. And on the broken areas there is supplement to this classification of ecological, genetic characteristics which reflects the direction of degradation process of these soils and the degree of their display from weakly degradated to strongly degradated, having possibility to define the state of broken or unbroken soils according to integrated average index on the areas, both quantitavely and qualitatively.It is ascertained that common indication in suggested classification for soils of forest, agrarian, water-swampy ecosystems broken byillegal amber mining is formation of quantative and qualitative estimation of their degradation degree both of the areas and of the depth.The worked out classification was based on the formation of monitory system that envisages the realization of control, estimation and prediction of changes in the state of unbroken and broken soils by illegal amber mining. According to certain physical, chemical, agrochemical, water and also integrated average indices it is possible to define their degree of degradation quantitavely and qualitatively after the scale: 1,0–0,68 – weakly degradated, 0,68–0,48 – partly degradated, 0,48–0,19 – quite degradated, 0,19–0 – strongly degradated. On the grounds of this estimation administrative solution concerning technologies of these soils recultivation can be substantiated.References
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