
  • Y. V. Hryb National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. M. Petruk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



unconventional feeds, crude protein, feed ratio, com pound feeds, feeding.


Growing fish is closely related to its feeding, which aims to obtain the maximum number of high quality products in the shortest possible time with minimal feed costs. In this case, the commercial aspect becomes dominant, where profit is the deciding factor. There fore, in the feeding of fish there is a constant search for ways to reduce the cost of feed and increase their productivity, which is gradually but difficult to achieve due to the apparent contradiction of these objectives. At the beginning of the activity of farms in the field of fisheries, it is best to use a semi-intensive method of cultivation, which does not involve too complex fish farming processes.Fish feeding technology involves the rational use of feed in order to obtain high fish productivity at the lowest cost of feed to increase fish weight. At the same time it is necessary to achieve the best quality of feed and optimal content of nutrients in them to ensure the normal course of physiological processes, taking into account the age and species specifics of farmed fish. Normalized feeding of fish can be carried out if we take into account the quality and nutritional value of artificial feed, the density of fish in multiculture, the development of natural feed base, the physiological state of fish and the goal of production. Depending on the technology of fish production and the type of specific features of specific cultivation objects, a large number of feed materials are used.Due to the increase in the cost of artificial feed and due to the reduction of operating costs in modern times require the use of nontraditional feed – plant origin, agricultural products, pasta from fish and plant raw materials of the aquatic environment and land. The criterion for the cost and effectiveness of non-traditional feeds is their high content of crude protein and nitrogen-free extractives.Given the inequality of crude protein content in non-traditional feeds and the dynamics of the mass of natural live feed during the growing season, it is necessary to balance them to obtain the required weight of marketable fish.

Author Biographies

Y. V. Hryb, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

A. M. Petruk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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