
  • О. B. Bondar Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy
  • N. I. Tsytsiura Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy




клас бонітету, тип лісу, свіжа грабова діброва, дуб звичайний, сосна звичайна, лісовий заказник «Суразька дача».


The article presents the results of the research on the typological structure of forests in the forest reserve «Surazka dacha» on the territory of Shumsk United Territory Community (UTC) in Ternopil region. The total area of the under research forests is 3657.5 hectares. The study of the typological structure of forests was carried out according to the methodology of the forestry and ecological school of Alekseev-Pogrebniak forest typology. The trophogenic diversity of the vegetations in the forest reserve "Surazka Dacha" is represented from subors (B) to dubravas (D). Thus, among them, sudubravas are represented by the largest share (73.6% of the total area of the land covered with forest vegetation). The share of dubrava area is 26.3% of the total area covered by forest vegetation, the rest is subors (0.1%).On the territory of the research facility the forest managers have identified 9 types of forest. Thus, only 1 type of forest is allocated in subors, 5 types in sudubravas, and 3 types in dubravas.The most widespread types of forest in the territory of the reserve «Surazka Dacha»" are fresh hornbeam-oak-pine sudubrava (70.5% of the total area covered by forest vegetation) and fresh hornbeam dubrava (21.6%).Species diversity of forests is represented by 13 types of trees. Thus, among these tree species the largest area is occupied by common oak – 44.9% of the total area covered by forest vegetation, and common pine – 38.3%.The distribution of tree species according to the number of forest types is diverse. Thus, common oak, common pine, European spruce, hanging birch occur in 6 forest types, common hornbeam – in 5 forest types, red oak and black alder – 4 forest types, common ash – in 3 forest types, European larch and white willow – 2 types of forest, white acacia, forest beech and sharp-leaved maple – in 1 type of forest.Vegetations of artificial origin dominate on the territory of the research facility (82.1% of the total area of land covered with forest vegetation), the rest of natural origin – 17.9%.The age structure of the vegetations in the reserve «Surazka dacha» is unbalanced. Plantations of age classes V–VIII predominate – 50.3% of the total area of land covered with forest vegetation, plantations of age classes IX–XII represent a slightly smaller share – 32.7%. The share of I–IV and XIII and older age classes is almost the same and amounts to 10.8 and 6.2%, respectively. Plantations with a completeness of 0.61–0.8, which is 67.7% of the total area of land covered with forest vegetation, dominate by a relative completeness. The share of plantations with completeness 0.81–1.0 (20.8%) and up to 0.6 (11.5%) is somewhat smaller.By the classes of bonitette there dominate the vegetations of I, ІА and higher classes of bonitette – 84.9% of the total area of land covered with forest vegetation. Thus, the share of the II, III and IV classes of bonitette varies from 0.2 to 11.4% of the total area of forests. The results of the work are recommended to be used when forming state environmental policy as well as in the educational process.

Author Biographies

О. B. Bondar, Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer

N. I. Tsytsiura, Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy

Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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