
  • V. M. Polovyi Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissia of NAAS, vil. Shubkiv
  • L. А. Yashchenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne




potassium, manure, mineral fertilizers, crop rotation, yield, balance.


The formation of potassium balance in crop rotation winter wheat, potatoes, winter rye, fodder beet, spring barley, meadow clover with organic-mineral fertilization on sod-podzolic soil is shown. Fertilizer saturation of crop rotation area was, ha-1: manure – 15 t (background); 1.0 NPK – N58P69K75; 1.5 NPK – N88P105K112. The influence of fertilization on the potassium balance was studied with and without lime application in a 1.0 dose according to hydrolytic acidity (1.0 dose Ha). The highest yield of crops rotation and the content of potassium in plants' organs were established in variant of 15 t·ha-1 of manure with N88P105K112 and lime material. The yield increase of winter rye grain was 0.28 t / ha, winter wheat 0.90, spring barley 0.95, potato tubers 5.5, fodder beet roots 25.9 t / ha compared to the background. Distribution of potassium in plant organs depended on the type of crop and its biological characteristics. The potassium content in cereal straw was 2.2–3.0 times higher than in grain, and vice versa, the content in potato tubers was 0.33 units higher compared to the tops. The crop rotation saturation with organic fertilizer (15 t/ha) was achieved by applying 40 t/ha of manure for fodder beets and 30 t/ha for potatoes. Due to this, in the background variant, potassium receipt by 192 kg/ha on average in the crop rotation exceeded removal for forming crop yields. Manure provided 87.7% of potassium from the total supply in the background variant, 49.9% for 1.0 dose and 40.2% for 1.5 dose of NPK in crop rotation. The established level of alienation and intake of potassium showed that under the organic-mineral fertilizer system a positive balance of the element was formed at the level of 85–100 kg·ha-1 depending on the dose of mineral fertilizers. Comparison of liming effect on the potassium balance formation in the variants of 1.0 and 1.5 doses of NPK application on the background of 15 t·ha-1 of manure showed that higher yield in the variants with 1.0 Ha dose of CaCO3 causes increased removal of the element and a decrease in the balance level by 67 and 48 mg·kg-1 K2O by the corresponding fertilizer. The issues of compensation for the alienation of potassium from soddy-podzolic soil against the background of previous studies requires further study and in-depth analysis in the current conditions of market transformation of the farming system, the existing deficit of traditional organic fertilizers and reorganization of crop rotations.

Author Biographies

V. M. Polovyi, Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissia of NAAS, vil. Shubkiv

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

L. А. Yashchenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Fellow


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