
  • Y. S. Maliuta TOV "Ahroprodservis Invest", Kozliv
  • I. S. Broshchak Ternopil Branch of State Institution "Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine", Ternopil
  • B. I. Orynyk Ternopil Branch of State Institution "Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine", Ternopil
  • O. Z. Brovko Ternopil Branch of State Institution "Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine", Ternopil
  • M. A. Mykhalchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


development, alcohol industry, manufacturing, waste, efficiency.


Before the science and agricultural production of Ukraine faced a number of tasks, which provide for the implementation of complex measures to ensure extended reproduction of soil fertility, protect them from water and wind erosion, increase the productivity of crops, the functioning of sustainable agriculture. In parallel, one of the most urgent problems facing Ukraine is the disposal and recycling of waste as hazardous substances enter the atmosphere, seep into the soil, polluting groundwater. The article provides a comprehensive assessment of the prospects for the use of alcohol industry waste for fertilizing crops. Agrochemical features of grain alcohol bard as organic fertilizer are investigated. The obtained data of the chemical composition of the grain alcohol bard showed the possibility of using it as an organic fertilizer, provided that the acidity of the soils is controlled. In addition, the bard has plant residue destructor properties, which contributes to their faster decomposition. Therefore, the bard is applied to soils covered with vegetable residues taking into account the acidity of the soils. The rate of application of bards on light and medium-clay soils up to 100 t/ha, on heavy-clay and clay soils up to 60 t/ha; on dark gray podzolized and chernozem soils of neutral or weakly ground reaction of soil solution up to 50 t/ha; on pastures, hayfields and other perennial land in the root-containing layer up to 100–120 t/ha. On hard clay and clay soils, less bards are introduced, since without further deep loosening or ploughing, this application can lead to soil re-compaction due to high field soil moisture. As an organic fertilizer, it is advisable to use a bard on high-buffer soils of light or medium mechanical composition with the additional application of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60P60K90 per hectare, followed by entering the soil using deep disk cultivation or ploughing. Application of grain alcohol bard on acidic soils is not recommended. The proposed technology for the use of alcohol processing waste will allow to dispose of alcohol industry waste, which will improve the environment, expand the range of organic fertilizers, the application of which will contribute to the increase of soil fertility and will positively affect its microbiological activity.

Author Biographies

Y. S. Maliuta, TOV "Ahroprodservis Invest", Kozliv


I. S. Broshchak, Ternopil Branch of State Institution "Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine", Ternopil


B. I. Orynyk, Ternopil Branch of State Institution "Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine", Ternopil

Head’s Assistant

O. Z. Brovko, Ternopil Branch of State Institution "Soils Protection Institute of Ukraine", Ternopil

Head of the Laboratory

M. A. Mykhalchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer


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