agrochemical certification, humus, mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers, balance, optimal ratio.Abstract
The article examines the results of soil monitoring and summarized results of agrochemical certification of agricultural lands of the Ternopil region for the 2011–2020 years of research (X and XI rounds), the current state of soil cover with humus. According to the results of ecological and agrochemical monitoring for the 11th round of research (2016–2020) in the Ternopil region, the largest share – 67.36 % of the surveyed areas – is occupied by soils with an increased content of humus, 26.41% – medium, 1.32% – low and only 4.91% – high and very high humus content.For the harvest of 2020, farmers of the region applied mineral fertilizers of 110573.67 tons of nutrients, including N – 77447.55 tons of nutrients, P – 15628.71 tons of nutrients, K – 17497.41 tons of nutrients. 205 kg of mineral fertilizers, including N – 144, P – 29 and K – 32 kg of nutrients, were applied to one hectare of the sown area. The ratio of the proportion of nitrogenous fertilizers to phosphoric and potassium is constantly maintained at 1.0:0.2:0.2–0.23, with the dominance of the mass fraction of ammonium nitrate as a highly concentrated, fast-acting fertilizer with two forms of nitrogen in the total amount of nitrogenous mineral fertilizers. In order to balance the supply to the plant and preserve the reserves of phosphorus and potassium in the soil, it is necessary to increase the application of phosphorus by 3–4 times and potassium by 5–6 times.During 2011–2020, 0.4 to 0.6 t/ha of organic fertilizers were applied annually in the region in the form of cattle manure, composts and sewage sludge. Insufficient introduction of organic matter into the soil impoverishes it for a number of microorganisms, slows down the formation and simplifies the structure of humus, reduces the buffering and absorbing capacity of the soil, and regulates the water, air and thermal regimes of the soil worse. Considering the fact that each ton of organic matter in the conditions of the Ternopil region gives an average of 40 kg of humus, in order to cover its deficit and maintain stocks at the initial level in the region, 10–12 tons of organic fertilizers should be applied per hectare.In the fertilization system, the ratio of 1:8–1:15 is considered the optimal ratio between organic and mineral fertilizers, i.e., 8–15 kg per 1 ton of organic matter. mineral fertilizers.References
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