climate change, hydrothermal coefficient, unstable moisture, irrigation, fertigation, irrigation.Abstract
Excessively rapid climate change due to an increase in average temperature has the effect of increasing the intensity of dry conditions. Irrational use of water reserves for permanent pollution of water resources only worsens the situation. In regions that previously experienced droughts, drought conditions are observed due to the increase in demand for water and an increase in its scarcity.A change in the regime of moistening will lead to a change in the water flow of rivers, the water content of the country's largest rivers may decrease by 30%, and the water content of small rivers may stop altogether. In terms of water reserves that are formed on the territory of the country and are available for use, Ukraine is one of the least well-off countries in Europe. The main sources of water entering the soil are atmospheric precipitation, as well as groundwater, provided that it is shallow. Land irrigation is one of the main factors of agricultural intensification in areas with insufficient and unstable irrigation.In conditions of limited water resources, an important reserve of irrigation water is municipal and industrial wastewater. Domestic and industrial wastewater is 99% water and 0.1% organic and inorganic compounds, including macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients. The admixture of industrial effluents may add toxic compounds, but not in dangerous amounts, so only the sensitivity of irrigated crops to boron is taken into account. The presence of large amounts of wastewater and manure waste near large livestock complexes creates a serious environmental problem. One of the effective ways to solve it is to use these effluents for irrigation, which provides biological purification. In wastewater from animal husbandry complexes, the content of total nitrogen reaches 0.3%, phosphorus – 0.08%, potassium – 0.7%, but in the process of preparing the effluents for irrigation, the content of these substances decreases.The use of municipal and industrial wastewater for irrigation performs an ecological function, as it provides additional purification of wastewater in the soil and prevents environmental pollution; surface water bodies – receivers of this water and will reduce the load on the natural water resource.References
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