soybean, economic efficiency, profit, profitability, protective measures, fungal diseases, biological preparations.Abstract
The indicators of the economic efficiency of four systems of biological protection of soybeans of the Xenia variety against fungal diseases in 2016–2020 were studied and the most effective was determined in order to adapt it to the conditions of the Precarpathian province of the Carpathian mountain zone of Ukraine. It was established that the most effective over the years of research is a protection system № 2, which allowed to receive an average income of 9 425,2 hrn from 1 ha, with a profitability level of up to 380,8%. The payback threshold of these measures was 0,21 t/ha, which demonstrates the amount of yield premium that needs to be obtained to cover the costs of protective measures. The use of this protection system made it possible to protect soybeans against fungal diseases at a high level, which ultimately ensured a high yield of soybeans in the amount of 3,68 t/ha. Protection system № 3 showed high income indicators – 7 240,5 hrn/ha, with a profitability of 306,9%. The payback threshold for this system showed that an increase in yield of 0,20 t/ha is necessary to cover the costs of protective measures. The use of this protection system made it possible to obtain a soybean yield of 3,45 t/ha, which is 0,96 t/ha more than the yield indicator without the use of protective measures. As a result of the application of the complex of preparations of system № 1 was obtained of conditional income 5 354,0 hrn/ha and the profitability of protective measures was 238,4%. For the payback of this system, it is necessary to obtain an increase in yield in the amount of 0,20 t/ha. When applying these measures, the yield of soybeans was 3,25 t/ha. With the use of a complex of preparations system № 4 received the lowest indicators of economic efficiency among the investigated soybean protection systems: conditional net income in the amount of 4 354,5 hrn/ha and profitability of 193,9%. The payback threshold for the application of this system was 0,20 t/ha. When applying this system of biological protection, the yield of soybeans was obtained at the level of 3,15 t/ha.References
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