nitrogen compounds, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, water bodies, nutrients, water pollution, wastewater, water use optimization.Abstract
The paper addresses the solution of topical issues which concern the peculiarities of the Volyn region surface waters pollution with nitrogen compounds, the environmental consequences of such pollution and the development of effective measures to improve the situation.Over the course of research it was analyzed the inflow and accumulation of nitrogen compounds in the water within the study area, the main sources of pollutants, the dynamics of content of pollutants in water over the recent years, as well as possible ways to reduce such pollution.The dynamics of content of nitrogen compounds mostly had pronounced maxima in the annual cycle in the warm periods of the year, as the oxidative processes of organic decomposition accelerate with increasing temperature, but in some years there was a tendency to reduce the content from maximum to minimum values at the end of the year. This may be caused by high concentration of organic matter that got into the reservoir in the winter, probably with wastewater. In the long-term cycle, the threshold limit value for ammonium and nitrite ions has been exceeded, and the content of nitrate ions in some periods is close to the threshold limit value. The main sources of ingress and accumulation of various nitrogen compounds in reservoirs in the Volyn region are a number of point and non-point sources, the main of which are untreated and insufficiently treated municipal and industrial wastewater, sewage from livestock complexes, surface and underground runoff from man-made areas ( landfills, waste dumping ground, places of storage of organic fertilizers, the territory of livestock complexes, agricultural fields, drained peatlands, eroded lands), precipitation. In addition, the accumulation of nitrogen compounds in water above the threshold limit value is also facilitated by climatic factors in the form of climate change, which indirectly affect the general sanitary condition of reservoirs. This is manifested in increased evaporation, reduced runoff, no floods, overgrowth and siltation of reservoirs, which in turn leads to the accumulation of organic matter in water bodies and the release of nitrogen compounds during its decomposition.References
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