wetlands, ecosystems, stressors.Abstract
The exploration, development and use of wetlands has a long time. More than half a century has been spent exploring these landscapes, but many issues are still controversial and debatable. There is no clear answer about the function of wetlands in nature, as well as their reactions to technological changes and stressors. The purpose of this article was to provide a theoretical analysis of current threats to the ecosystem functions of wetlands. We analyzed the meaning of the term «wetlands» in international, foreign and domestic environmental regulations. Here we looked at wetlands as unique natural complexes, their interaction with human activities and global climate change. We have found that despite the absence of one universal term «wetlands», the uniqueness of these natural complexes is recognized worldwide. The assessment of anthropogenic impacts and global climate change on their ecosystems is a topical area of research on the human environment. For example, nearly 60 per cent of the marshes in Ukraine have been drained, and worldwide wetlands have been lost between 64 and 71 per cent since 1900. In the structure of landscapes and cultural management, wetlands have four main functions - harvesting, regulation, culture and maintenance. Climate change scenarios increase stress factors such as land reclamation, resource exploitation, hydrological changes, pollution of wetlands and changes in the spatial distribution of species diversity. Increased temperatures are expected to reduce species diversity and alter wetland species composition. Scientific predictions suggest that agricultural land use may have a greater impact on wetland plant societies than future changes in hydrology based on climate change. All this makes them very vulnerable and requires that their ecosystems be protected.References
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