ecological safety, indicator, ecological condition, assessment.Abstract
The article considers different approaches to the definition of environmental safety. The diverse definitions of this concept by different scientists was analyzed by us. In this article considers the evaluation of assessing the state of ecological safety of the agrosphere. Various methods of environmental safety assessment have been studied and researched. Methods of environmental safety assessment by scientists Gerasymchuk Z. V. and Vakhovych I. M. gives the opportunity to supplement and apply it on the example of Rivne region. We proposed to divide all indicators into 3 blocks: resource, biosphere-centric and anthropocentric. In the resource block we proposed to analyze the indicators that reflect the number, level of involvement and depletion, rationality and efficiency of natural resources. The biosphere-centric block will including indicators that reflect the level of pollution that reflect the level of pollution in the region and the possibility of preserving the properties of the biosphere in the future. The anthropocentric block is proposed to be formed from indicators that reflect the medical and demographic indicators of the region. We supplemented each block of indicators with indicators available for the study region, namely – the area of forested lands, the amount of reforestation on forest lands and the amount of planting and sowing; density of pollutant emissions per capita and density of pollutant emissions per capita; mortality rate for the main reasons, including from some infectious and parasitic diseases, neoplasms, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the circulatory system, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis. On the basis of these indicators we will be able to calculate a complex integrated indicator with which we can most accurately assess the state of environmental safety of the agrosphere.References
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