extreme tourism, adventure tourism, auto tourism, recreational potential of the territory, nature reserve territory, ecosystem, protected tract.Abstract
The article considers aspects of the development of extreme auto tourism and its impact on the environment. The urgency of the analyzed problem is determined by the increasing popularity of motor tourism in the world, which gives impetus to the development of the tourism industry, but has a negative impact on ecosystem, including areas that are part of nature reserves. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of motor tourism on the environment and minimize its negative effects. The object of study are extreme types of motor tourism. The subject of the study is the impact of motor tourism on the environment. The article also analyzes the reasons for the growing popularity of extreme motor tourism in recent decades. If before extreme travel was in demand only among some tourists, now it is increasing the number of tourists who want to prove themselves in extreme conditions, to engage in life-threatening sports. The rapid development of extreme motor tourism in recent decades, with undoubtedly a positive impact on the economic component of the tourism industry, also causes considerable damage to the ecosystems of those areas that have become the most popular for some types of motor tourism. Motor tourism is characterized by higher speed of movement between stops and parking lots, independence from weather conditions, possibility of independent formation of time of rest, and also independent definition of level of comfort necessary for high-grade rest. At the same time, motoring imposes additional responsibilities on participants not only for the safety of travel participants, but also certain requirements for the preservation of the natural environment. The article examines the impact of unorganized spontaneous jeeping on the territory of the nature reserve fund near Rivne – the protected tract "Barmakivske". Ways to minimize the negative impact of motorists on the territory of the protected tract are proposed. The transition from spontaneous tourist and recreational activities to organized will allow, in addition to solving direct problems of development of extreme motor tourism in Rivne region, also solve the problem of ensuring the protection of nature reserves of the tract "Barmakivske".References
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