Klesiv deposit, amber, oligocene, unauthorized extraction, reclamation.Abstract
In recent decades, the problem of ecological and economic condition of Polissya districts of Rivne, Volyn and Zhytomyr regions with amber mining has become more complicated. The authors studied the materials of prospecting, exploration and exploitation of the Klesiv amber deposit. On the example of the worked part of the Klesivskoye deposit there is a violation of the fertile layer of soil cover, which is manifested and accompanied by a decrease in forest area, disturbances in the functioning of the irrigation network, pastures, meadows and agricultural lands and other economic infrastructure. Illegal amber mining is carried out without any documentation, when the actual material on the change of landscapes, hydrotechnical changes and hydrogeological regime of the region within which amber-bearing geological formations. The Klesiv amber deposit is geologically advantageous in the Pripyat amber basin in the northwestern part of the Ukrainian Crystal Shield, where Oligocene Paleogene formations have been preserved at shallow depths, which ensures their open development. Here, the manifestations of succinite genetically and spatially tend to terrigenоus-glauconite formation, which created favorable lithological and facies conditions for their formation in the shelf coastal shallows of the Berek world. At the present stage of amber mining, it is advisable to create a specialized structural and economic unit for the search, exploration, extraction and sale of amber, which would be responsible for reclamation measures to restore the natural state of the disturbed areas. At the Klesiv field and other mining sites, after reclamation, land reclamation is envisaged, the purpose of which is to create productive and organized anthropogenic landscapes. Reclamation activities are carried out in three stages: preparatory, mining and biological, during the implementation of which will be created agricultural and forest lands, reservoirs for various purposes, building areas and recreational areas.References
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