
  • I. V. Gopchak National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • M. S. Yakovyshyna National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


recreational load, digression, ecosystems, nature reserve, recreational capacity, stability of natural complexes.


The article analyzes the features of the influence of the recreational load on the natural protected areas. The needs in the natural environment are increasing at the present time. It is necessary for predicting the dynamics of recreational ecosystems for ensuring sustainable development. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of forestry ecosystems by evaluating their resistance to recreational effects. Recreation activities have a direct and indirect impact on the natural environment, as it relates to the growth in the number of visitors that can affect ecological integrity. We used field observation in 2018–2020 to collect research data on the number of recreation, the characteristic of the natural complexes of the Bile Lake coastal strip, characteristic of the forest and more. According to these data, a map-scheme of distribution of the degree of stability of the coastal landscapes of the recreational zone of the Bile Lake ecosystems was formed. This map-scheme shows that there are no stable natural complexes at all, there are unstable natural complexes, average in stability, above the average degree of stability, but almost half of the recreation area is occupied by natural complexes that have a degree of stability below average. The impact of recreation load on the soil and forest litter was also evaluated. The study revealed that the changes in the basic parameters of the forest litter are caused by ground trampling. Depending on the stage of recreational digression, the indicators of biological activity of soils and forest litter decrease. The data on the calculation of the recreational capacity of the coastal strip of the Bile Lake in the Rivne Nature Reserve are presented. The real recreation load is significantly higher than normal. The water of Bile Lake has a good, satisfactory and excellent condition according to various characteristics. Assessment of the impact of the recreational load on forest ecosystems can be used to regulate and limit anthropogenic impact, which, in turn, will prevent the complete degradation of natural ecosystems under the influence of recreation. Further monitoring of the state of ecosystems was named as an important element of the preservation of natural ecosystems. In order to regulate the use of recreational resources, we propose to regulate the behavior of recreants. The evaluation of impact of recreation load on the forestry ecosystems could be used for regulation and restriction of excessive recreation activity in order to saving natural ecosystems from total degradation. Further monitoring of ecosystems condition is considered as an important element of natural ecosystems conservations. In order to regulate the use of recreational resources, we propose to regulate the behavior of recreants.

Author Biographies

I. V. Gopchak, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Geographical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

M. S. Yakovyshyna, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer


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