
  • S. S. Trusheva National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • O. A. Oleinуk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • S. A. Tkachuk Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Rivne


winter rape, microfertilizer, seeds treatment, foliar feeding, yield quality, crop yield


In the course of research within 2018–2019 we studied the effect of microfertilizer Wuxal, made by German company «Aglukon», in the conditions of field examination of small plots of land.The examinations were aimed at studying the elements of microfertilizers Wuxal Combi and Wuxal Macromix application technologies. The variety of winter rape was Kronos, the predecessor was spring barley. The soil of the experimental site is dark gray podzolic medium-loamy one and it is characterized by a slightly acidic reaction of salt extract (рНКСІ = 6,4), low humus content in the arable layer (3,2%), high content of nitrogen compounds which are readily hydrolyzed (98 mg/kg), increased content of mobile phosphorus (217 mg/kg) and low content of exchangeable potassium (75 mg/kg).The fertilizers for winter rape in all variants of the experiment were applied according to the following scheme:1. The background – N120P40K120 2. The background + Wuxal Macromix 2 l/ha in 10-12 true leaf stage in autumn, 3 l/ha in spring at height of 15-20 cm in the stage of budding. 3. The background + Wuxal Combi B 2 l/ha in 10-12 true leaf stage in autumn, 3 l/ha in spring at height of 15-20 cm in the stage of budding.4. The background + Wuxal Macromix (2 l/ha in 10-12 true leaf stage in autumn, 3 l/ha in spring at height of 15-20 cm in the stage of budding) + 15 kg of carbamide in spring.5. The background + Wuxal Combi B (2 l/ha in 10-12 true leaf stage in autumn, 3 l/ha in spring at height of 15-20 cm in the stage of budding ) + 15 kg of carbamide in spring.On an average within two years (2018–2019) the maximum yield (63,45 dt/ha) was obtained by applying the microfertilizer Wuxal Combi B (2 l/ha in 10-12 true leaf stage in autumn, 3 l/ha in spring in the stage of budding) + 15 kg/ha of carbamide in spring against the background of N120P40K120, that is 54,9% more than in the background variant.The improvement of winter rape yield structure is facilitated to the fullest extent by application of Wuxal Combi B (5 l/ha + 15 kg of carbamide in spring) on the background of N120P40K120: the height of the plants is 1,86 m, the length of the seedpod is 9.1 cm, the number of seedpods is 413 pcs., the mass of 1000 seeds is 4.6 g that is 24,3% more as relating to the background fertilizing by complete fertilizer.Application of microfertilizers Wuxal Macromix and Wuxal Combi B on winter rape for foliar feeding has a positive effect on seed quality improvement and conditions of plants wintering.

Author Biographies

S. S. Trusheva, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

O. A. Oleinуk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

S. A. Tkachuk, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Rivne

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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