rare species of plants, Red Book of Ukraine, Donetsk ridge, cretaceous flora, steppe vegetation, riparian forests.Abstract
The results of phytosozological assessment of the regional landscape park “Kramatorsk” territory are given. The park was founded in 2004; in 2013 its area was increased. The park now covers an area of 2247, 82 hectares and includes five separate plots.The territory of the park covers the north-western spurs of the Donetsk ridge within Donetsk region. Here natural steppe landscapes are the most represented, there are also other types of landscapes. The territory of the park is characterized by a large species diversity of higher plants. The results of the research show that there are 462 species of higher vascular plants from 257 genera and 71 families in the park. In a systematic way the most numerous are species of Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Роасеае, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Apiaceae. 25 species of flora are included in the third edition of “The Red Book of Ukraine” (2009), 44 species are subjected to regional protection in Donetsk region, 7 species are included in the IUCN Red List. Many endemic and relict species of different periods are represented in the park (for example, Adonis wolgensis, Astragalus albicaulis, Hyssopus cretaceus, Stipa ucrainica, Euphorbia cretophila, Linum ucrainicum, Onosma tanaitica, Hyacinthella leucophaea, Koeleria talievii, Ephedra distachya).The vegetation of the park is diverse. 22 plant associations are included into “The Green Book of Ukraine”, 60 associations are regionally rare. The most valuable of them are the aboriginal steppe cenoses of the South-East of Ukraine which involve different species of feather grass as well as the groups of cretaceous outcrops, where representatives of specific cretaceous flora are concentrated. Among the forest vegetation, attention is paid to natural riparian forests. Now in the territory of the park there are processes of natural silvatization due to the expansion of the most aggressive species of arboflora.To protect and reproduce species and coenotic diversity, it is necessary to completely withdraw the most valuable areas from economic activity or to introduce a limited use regime.References
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