anthropogene loading, surface water quality, biogenic elements, crisis of water ecosystem, disturbance of trophic bonds, sandy bioplate, macrophytes, submerged vegetation.Abstract
In the article the calculation of anthropogene loading level for the basin of the river Boyarchyk is done. It is affirmed that its landscape is generaly characterized as an unstable one with distinctly expressed instability. The comprehensive assessment of the Boyarchyk River basin ecololgical status shows that under the natural and anthropogenic factors influence the basin area has undergone significant transformation, which caused the hydrographic network degradation and a critical surface water quality decreasing.It is ascertained that according to its ploughingup,urbanization and the presence of natural landscapes areas the basin of the river should be reasonably devided into three plots. Ecological assessment of the surface water quality of the river as to the index Ie showed that the most polluted ones are the first and second plots, where critical levels of anthropogenic transformation were identified. The water quality on the plots as to biogenic elements is assesad as unsatisfactory (Class V), and as to the level of anthropogene loading it means crisis of the water ecosystem.The water quality of the third plot is improved up to transitory state (Class IV) due to the basin and concerning the level of anthropogene loading there is a violation of trophic bonds.It is recommended to implement nature protection measures within the boundaries of the plots, within the areas that have been identified by the environmental engineering researches, in particular, on plot number one by bioplateau, the type of surface formation current including primary and secondary purification. On the plot number two it is reasonable to precipitate soil paryecles in sand traps and use oxygene saturation of the water in cascade minibioplateaux. On plot number three it is recommended to project cascade bioplateau including distributive grounds, grounds for further purifying on the bioplateau with submerged vegetation.References
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