forest cover, sustainable development, forest ecosystems, agrosphere urbosystem zone of influence.Abstract
The condition of forest resources of agrosphere urbosystem zone of influence is studied according to six indicators that characterize the forest potential of its use and restoration. The condition of forest ecosystems is analyzed, their role in the functioning of the agrosphere is assessed and the sustainability of the agrosphere is diagnosed according to the indicators of the condition and forest ecosystems restoration.It is determined that the species composition of forest ecosystems is represented mainly by Scots pine, Scots oak, and to a lesser extent - hanging birch, black alder, European spruce and hornbeam. The agrosphere forest cover for different administrative districts ranges from 6.4 to 41.1%. It is determined that according to the level of ecological safety according to indicators of condition and restoration of forest ecosystems the agrosphere of Kostopil district is in ecologically safe condition, and Zdolbuniv, Mlyniv, Goshcha ranges from ecologically dangerous to threatening condition. The interconnection between the indicators of the resource component of the ecological safety of the agrosphere urbosystem zone of influence are clarified by correlation analysis of their standardized values and on the basis of cluster analysis the contribution of each indicator to the ecological safety of the agrosphere is traced. It is determined that a very close connection is typical for the dependence of agricultural development with the area of forested lands territory (r = 0.954) and cover of the forest territory (r = 0.923); plowed with the area of forested lands territory (r = 0.937); the area of forested lands with forest cover (r = 0.931) and the volume of reforestation on forest lands (r = 0.903). It is determined that the main indicators that need to be monitored during the systematic monitoring of the agrosphere are forest cover sustainability, the amount of reforestation on forest lands and the amount of planting and sowing.References
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