
  • I. I. Zaleskyi National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • Кh. A. Maiboroda National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


Polissia districts, agricultural lands, reforming, organic fertilizers, yields, cereals, potatoes.


The reform of agricultural lands in Polissya districts of Volyn region should be understood as changes that took place during 15 years of the 21st century. Forms of management according to the principles of sustainable development of society are being improved. During this period, farms were formed, agricultural enterprises were reorganized, and the production of agricultural products in private enterprises expanded.Information on their activities is included in statistical reporting. Introduction of the newest agrotechnical technologies provides high productivity of agricultural crops.The whole land wedge is confined to geomorphological areas, which show certain climatic and morphological features of the terrain, which is taken into account when choosing crop rotations. On the basis of geomorphological zoning the areas of separate types of soils within which certain crop rotations are carried out are considered. Winter grain crops are cultivated on the inter-river spaces of the Upper Pripyat alluvial (terrace) flat very weakly dissected plain and the slopes of the Volyn moraine-water glacial low-wave plain complicated by karst morphosculpture. High yields of corn are grown on the terraced areas, and row crops are grown on the wet areas of the floodplains. Farmers are grouped into local communities.Analytical comparisons of the results of the obtained products from 2000-2015 indicate a progressive growth of crop production. Agricultural lands need protection, increase the application of mineral and organic fertilizers. To improve soil cultivation and increase crop yields in Polissya districts, we offer deoxidation of soils by liming using local limestone materials.Currently, liming covers up to 10% of acid soils in Polissya districts of Volyn. To reduce the cost of liming acid soils, local limestone materials should be more widely. It is advisable to increase the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, the use of greens and local forms and types of organic fertilizers.

Author Biographies

I. I. Zaleskyi, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Geographical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor

Кh. A. Maiboroda, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Graduate Student


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