rare species of plants, protection list, categories of rarity, taxonomic composition, affiliation of phytocoenotic, Rivne region.Abstract
The taxonomic composition of the plants which fall under area protection in Rivne region is given below. The new list of the plant species under area protection was adopted in 2018. The previous list included only 64 species. The protection list includes 258 species of flora from 173 genera, 61 families and 4 divisions. In Rivne region the fraction of the species of flora that are protected at the state (85 species), and regional levels constitutes over 28%. The most numerically represented species in the spectrum of families are as follows Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Ranunculaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae, Apiaceae and Lamiaceae. The structure of life forms is markedly dominated by herbaceous polycarpics. The affiliation of phytocoenotic of forests and different types of grasslands communities predominates, more than 60% of them are found in ecotones. The largest hotbeds of the rare plant species are as follows: dry and steppe grasslands, natural forests, predominantly oak and mixed, carbonate swamps, and rock outcrops. By categories of rarity, the rarest species (109 species) and rare ones (93) are mostly represented, 38 species are potentially susceptible and 18 fall under limited distribution. The vast majority of the rarest species from 1-3 localities is now more known. Some of them are indicated according to literary sources.Gymnocarpium robertianum, Arum besserianum, Lemna gibba, Najas minor, Allium flavescens, Trisetum flavescens, Ranunculus zapalowiczii, Trifolium lupinaster, Aruncus vulgaris, Dianthus membranaceus, Cotoneaster melanocarpus, Hypericum hirsutum, Syrenia cana, Alyssum alexandrae, Luzula sylvatica, Gentianella lingulata, Hackelia deflexa, Sym[1]phytum microcalyx, Laser trilobum and Peucedanum carvifolia and others are the rarest ones. Further floristic studies including constant monitoring of habitat conditions and population structure of the rarest plant species need to continue to be carried out.References
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