
  • I. Yu. Zyma National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



research, formation, system, protection, health, ancient countries, European, values.


It is proved that a retrospective review of the historical origins of the formation of a public health management system in Europe is an important background for identifying the sound theoretical preconditions for the functioning of the mechanisms of public administration in Europe and the mechanisms of public administration in Ukraine. Ukraine has put enormous efforts to implement European approaches to the practice of public administration. The specific objective of this study is to identify the first signs, elements that are part of the process of centralizing medicine, state regulation of the treatment process, the institutionalization of management of medicine as a social phenomenon, and the imposition of concrete examples of state management in the field of medicine. The article fills a certain gap in the science of public administration in the part of evolutionary analysis and retrospective study of the formation of mechanisms of public administration by the health care system. The article contributes to the deep theoretical development of issues of state management of medicine in the historical aspect. She examines the management of medicine in various states on the basis of the achievements of domestic scientific methodology. The author presents the original concept of the eriodization of the formation of the elements of public administration and the chronology of the world history of medicine in terms of its centralization and regulation, the formation of European values in society. It was determined that the historical sources that influenced the formation of the modern concept of public administration of the health care system of Europe were in the first place such ancient civilizations as the country of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome. General sanitary and hygiene systems, cleanliness control, appointment of state doctors, methods of their certification and payment, organization of ambulatory and hospital provision of these countries correspond to many modern approaches of social organization of medicine and mechanisms of public administration. The medical culture of China, which was formed in the 2nd millennium BC, has evolved evolving to the present and has significantly influenced all world systems of medicine organization.

Author Biography

I. Yu. Zyma, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Medical Sciences (Ph.D.)


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