
  • A. S. Salenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



factors, liberalization, high-tech, corporate, entrepreneurship, start-ups, engineering schools.


The article deals with the systematization of the factors of liberalization of high-tech entrepreneurship divided into categories. The first category should include the traditional levers of a market economy. The second category of factors include the means of state regulation of the economy. The third category of factors is the internationalization of economic life, the processes of economic globalization. The fourth category of factors is the commercialization of science and education. The fifth category of factors for the liberalization of high-tech entrepreneurship is the new organizational and legal forms of cooperation between universities and business structures.The article analyzes forms of project financing. The author has identified the following forms: financing from the corporate budget; grant form of receiving funds; a form of funding by supporting the activities of engineering schools; support for the activities of spin-out companies, jointly established by scientific-educational institutions and business structures for the implementation of high-tech projects; support of start-up companies, jointly with scientific-educational institutions and business structures for the implementation of hightech projects based on the proposals of creative teams.It is determined that in corporate structures considerable attention ispaid to the development of the system of financing high-tech entrepreneurship by supporting start-up companies. In order toidentify ideas that may underpin the development of such companies,annual startup competitions are held. Funding for projects in engineering schools is of great importance.

Author Biography

A. S. Salenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Post-graduate Student


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