
  • A. S. Salenko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



Strategy, high-tech, entrepreneurship, universities, corporations, the world.


The article analyzes the directions of implementation of the Strategyof innovative development of Ukraine. It is established that the Strategy will directly influence the formation and development of high-tech entrepreneurship in Ukraine. It is determined that the Strategy will increase the number of scientists who will work directly with commercial structures in the field of high-tech entrepreneurship, increase the percentage of applied scientific subjects in universities and topics that are developed on the basis of contracting with corporations.It is proved that the Strategy will create financial conditions for thedevelopment of high-tech business. This will happen both on the basisof the use of the state budget funds, as well as on the use of the fundsof foreign private investors and internal investments of Ukrainianentrepreneurs.It is determined that the Strategy envisages the formation of institutional conditions and organizational mechanisms for implementation and development of high-tech business through the implementation of best foreign practices. The strategy envisages the functioning of the system of selection of the best ideas at competitions of start-ups, activities of engineering schools, business incubators and regional mechanisms of activation of innovative creativity on the basis of creation of IT ‒ clusters and other innovative types of clusters, formation of scientific parks and other innovative structures.The article compares the main provisions of the Strategy and thefounding theses of the most powerful high-tech corporations in theworld. The identity of these provisions is proved. It is determined thatthe intentions of leading corporations of the world are more clearlymanifested by the intentions of integrating scientific research in theglobal dimension, the focus of their activities on the needs ofhumanity, the need to introduce better international experience andglobal world intelligence.

Author Biography

A. S. Salenko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Post-graduate Student


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