
  • P. M. Skrypchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • T. M. Trokhlіuk Berezne Forestry College of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne





The stages of the environmental audit procedure are proposed in order to evaluate the directions of the natural resource potentialuse for forming conclusions and recommendations. The main purpose of a comprehensive audit is to ensure the harmonization and efficiency of local public environmental management systemsfunctioning; development of independent, reliable information about economic objects and the territory as a whole (diagnostics of territories); assessment of the state and development of recommendations on enterprise recommendations, etc. Objectives of environmental audit include: territories, integrated territorial communities, cluster territories, agricultural lands; resorts; cluster-specific areas are environmentally friendly products. During the environmental audit procedures, the following issues are addressed: the purpose of the environmental audit is subordinated to the creation of clusters and methodological bases of "quality of life"; using the environmental audit procedure to obtain indicators for environmentally stable and economically viable economic development; information serves as an initial decision-making tool; environmental audit provides an opportunity to combine state and market mechanisms in the economy; the environmental audit is carried out using the product life cycle provisions and taken into account when developing the environmental management system. At the first stage of environmental audit, the motivation to form a cluster is determined (the principle of ecological and economic feasibility and understanding by the society for a clusterneed on its social responsibility). During the formation of a market society, the best motive for organizing a cluster is its own benefits. The creation of the cluster is preceded by systematic international, national, regional studies on prospective activities and their resource, financial, human resources, marketing studies of the territories. Environmental audit creates an information base for competitive advantage, is a starting point and accelerates the moment of cluster development, provides information and consulting support, puts it on new stages of socio-ecological and economic responsibility, allows to successfully occupy a market niche. During the second stage, the problems, preconditions, strengths and weaknesses of cluster formation are identified. World practice shows that efficient clusters do not arise artificially from scratch, but are organized into localized industries and subsequently formed into stable and strong clusters. In the third stage, conclusions and recommendations are formed. Therefore, the development of the agro-industrial cluster for the region is evolutionarily based on a system of cluster development measures, and specific incentives are launched that reinforce existing trends. The conclusions form the structure and mechanism of interaction between the cluster members, which should be aimed at creating an effective system for the production of competitive products. The article argues that clusters enable: to strengthen the processes of specialization and the division of labor between participants; attracting clients, creating close interaction between manufacturers and consumers of services; reduce the cost of a unit of service and products; enhance the flow of ideas and information between participants; more environmentally responsible use of local natural resources; to ensure a balance of market efficiency and social harmony.

Author Biographies

P. M. Skrypchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department ofManagement

T. M. Trokhlіuk, Berezne Forestry College of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



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