
  • О. М. Kuzmak National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • О. І. Kuzmak Rivne Branch of European University



management, quality, tourist services, quality of travel services, consumer expectations, satisfaction of the consumer


The study aims to the development of theoretical positions andpractical recommendations on the need for coordination of research quality requirements, offered to consumers service level and standard of their actual ratings.Research has shown that consumers need such services, the characteristics of which would satisfy their needs and expectations.These needs and expectations reflected in the technical specifications for the services and generally considered the requirements of consumers. The degree of satisfaction albeit not the only indicator of the quality of the service, but is the most important criterion. Thus to each specific type of service consumer puts their specific requirements.As a rule, the vast majority of consumers do not match expectations with reality, that there are different possible inconsistencies in representations and expectations, which arecalled «gaps» and what it is, the stronger the negative reaction ofthe consumer.One of the main elements of the development of tourism enterprises in the process of creating and consumption of services is the need to agree the subjective quality requirements, offered customers by tourist service level standard services and its actual performance.In general, to eliminate the contradictions that cause consumerdissatisfaction with the quality of tourist services the company needs to take all measures to integrate quality management processes in the strategic management of the company. However, as the supporting processes must be applied: innovation; risk management; attract investment; assessment of the quality of tourist services by consumers.Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the company, including the quality management system, is possible only through the involvement of all employees and support them.Bridging the gap will increase the quality of tourist services, reduce service capacity resources, and consequently increasecompetitiveness of tourism enterprises.

Author Biographies

О. М. Kuzmak, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor ofthe of the Department of Finance and environmental economi

О. І. Kuzmak, Rivne Branch of European University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Director


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