
  • N. О. Mazur National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • A. V. Tkachuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




Regional Human Development Index, human development, Rivne region, quality of life


The modern international community has recognized the quality of life as one of the main characteristics of the level of social countries development. The quality of life is an integral concept that involves an analysis of all spheres of society’s life. Special conditions can both improve and worsen the quality of life of the population inherent in each specific region and settlement. Therefore, the task of studying regional features of quality of life, in particular the role of Rivne region in shaping the general level of welfare of the population of Ukraine, appears.The possibilities of estimating the quality of life of the population of the region on the basis of the Concept of Human Development are investigated. A comparative regional analysis of the quality of life in Ukraine is carried out. The role of providing national human development is identified. The main stimulators and destimulators of the quality of life of the population in the Rivne region are determined.The region is characterized by one of the best demographic situations in Ukraine. The main destimulators of the human development of the region are indicators of the economic position. Improving the quality of life is a criterion and a prerequisite for the human development.

Author Biographies

N. О. Mazur, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Economics (Ph. D.), Associate Professor

A. V. Tkachuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



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