
  • О. S. Golikova Institute of market problems and Economic-Ecological Research of NAS of Ukraine



diversification program, natural resources, recreational and tourist sphere, diversification strategy implementation program.


The article identifies the prerequisites for the implementation of thestrategy of diversification of the use of natural resources in the recreational and tourist sphere. The state and characteristics of the socio-economic situation of the recreational object are analyzed on the example of the territories of the Kuyalnytskyi estuary basin. According to the results of the analysis it is found that there is a rich natural resource potential, rare balneological resources, favorable climatic and geographical conditions, which together create a unique natural and recreational complex of Kuyalnitskyi estuary, the closest analogue to the quality of therapeutic mud and brine is the Dead Sea. The dynamics of economic and current operational indicators of the enterprise of the recreational sphere is analyzed on the example of SE «Clinical Sanatorium named after Pirogov» of Private joint stock company «Ukrprofozdorovnytsia». Based on the results of the analyzed reporting of the sanatorium on the use of balneological resources, in particular therapeutic mud, peloids and brine, it can be concluded that they have a significant reserve for the development of recreational and tourist sphere. The SWOT-analysis in the context of natural resources use diversification of the territories of the Kuyalnitskyi estuary basin is carried out. A number of problematic issues have been identified, for the solution of which the draft Program is proposed. The project of the Program of realization of natural resources use diversification is presented, the Program purpose and structure is formed, the basic actions is given. Themain tasks include socio-economic and environmental assessment of thenatural resources use, effective use of recreational resources of theKuyalnytskyi estuary in the context of its diversification, prioritization ofrecreational natural resources management system, natural resourceprovision of stakeholders of the Kuyalnytskyi estuary basin and development of economic complex. The priority directions of the Program and their components are revealed, the mechanisms of realization of priority directions are given. Sources of financing of the Program, executors and responsible ones for the function of constant monitoring of the program activities implementation are offered.

Author Biography

О. S. Golikova, Institute of market problems and Economic-Ecological Research of NAS of Ukraine

Junior Research Fellow Economic regulation of Nature Use Department


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