
  • O. Р. Burchenia National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



strategic management, information, web analytics, website, visitors, audience, press market.


Understanding the importance of a strategic approach to management causes significant demand from editors for sound theoretical concepts of strategic management, strategy development and implementation. The key point of strategic management of the editorial office is the process based on the mechanism of early forecasting of the directions of further development of the editorial office in the business environment.This requires the development and implementation of new effective mechanisms for strategic management and, above all, mechanisms for managing strategic change in both external and internal environments. The article analyzes the regional media market in terms of the use of web analytics, and the author concludes that a significant proportion of market participants do not sufficiently use in their activities strategic management mechanisms based on web analytics.The proposed study attempts to outline a set of necessary tools that will help the editors of print and electronic publications to obtain data for analysis and monitoring of reader preferences, as well as considered web analytics standards, analyzed modern web systems used in mediainformation and analytical activities to ensure that they not only produce content, but also its content reaches readers. The use of web analytics isnecessary for the use of print and electronic media in order to furtherpromote the product in the press market.Monitoring and analysis of the work of newspaper editorial offices inthe local market of Rivne region was carried out. The article emphasizes that the main task of web analytics is to monitor site traffic, based on which the audience is determined and the behavior of visitors is studied to make decisions on the development and expansion of the functionality of the Internet resource. Therefore, the significance of this study lies inunderstanding the importance of using web analytics data for the successful operation of the media.

Author Biography

O. Р. Burchenia, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Post-graduate Student


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