
  • M. V. Malchyk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • I. P. Adasiuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



targeting advertising, advertising, internet-advertising, social network, advertising tools, website.


In the article is explored popular sites, social networks and types of online media advertising. According to the analysis the most popular social networks are Facebook and Instagram. We explored the segments of media internetadvertising which often used in social media targeting.The content of targeting was disclosed as the most effective advertisingtool in the social networks.Management and configuration of targeted advertising is provided in theadvertising room «Ads Manager» of the social network Facebook. Instagram also has some ad settings that need improvement. Targeting on Facebook and Instagram begins of the analysis: sales market, competitors, target audience. So we have improved the targeting stages and tasks on Facebook and Instagram.There are three key stages: preparatory, targeting and final. The targeting’s indicators of the efficiency analysis have been considered.We've highlighted key metrics: frequency, impressions, budget, link conversions, conversion index and other. These indicators are available in the mode of adjusting the parameters of the advertising report and are automated in the advertising office. There are many indicators of analysis, but we have listed the most common in terms of practice using modern SMM agencies.Targeted advertising on social networks is relevant for all activities, formsof ownership and business size. Therefore, we have sorted out the advantages and disadvantages of the targeting according to the main parameters, such as management, audience, budget, detailed targeting, performance analysis.Advertising on social networks is promising in the market of Internet advertising and remains a platform for finding and buying the necessary product.

Author Biographies

M. V. Malchyk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing

I. P. Adasiuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing


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