
  • V. M. Kostrychenko National University of Water and Enviromental Engineering, Rivne
  • V. O. Kovalchuk National University of Water and Enviromental Engineering, Rivne




anti-crisis stability, evaluation of crisis anti-crisis enterprise stability, balanced scorecard, integral indicator, anti-crisis stability level, anticrisis enterprise strategy.


The enterprise, like any economic system, operates in conditions ofpermanent changes in the external economic environment and internalpotential, which violate its equilibrium. For the company as a market player, its is vital to return to a state of economic equilibrium after the effects of negative crisis effects. The lack of timely response of the enterprise and proper management influence leads to the fact that the symptoms of a crisis situation can become a serious threat to its further functioning. These arguments prove the need for preventive anti-crisis management. That is why the issues of assessment and identification of anti-crisis stability of the enterprise become especially relevant.The article reveals the essential characteristics of the anti-crisisstability of the enterprise. A critical analysis of methods for assessing thecrisis resilience of the enterprise. An algorithm of comprehensivesubstatiation of parameters for assessing the anti-crisis stability of theenterprise on the basis of a balanced scorecard. In the context of fourprojections (finance, clients, internal business processes, training anddevelopment of staff), a system of functional components and corresponding indicators of anti-crisis stability of the enterprise are proposed. Using analytical procedures, a quantitative assessment of the level of anti-crisis stability of the enterprise by the integral indicator was made. In the process of qualitative evaluation, a map was developed to assess the crisis resistance of the enterprise, which allowed to identify its type and correspondence to the stage of the crisis process. Based on the results of calculations, a system of strategic goals and measures (initiatives) to increase the anti-crisis resilience of the enterprise is proposed. The projected estimation of change of anti-crisis stability of the investigated enterprise is carried out.

Author Biographies

V. M. Kostrychenko, National University of Water and Enviromental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

V. O. Kovalchuk, National University of Water and Enviromental Engineering, Rivne



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