
  • O. V. Pavelko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




economic analysis, factor analysis, financial results, methods of factor analysis, construction enterprises, profit.


The essence of factor analysis and its types are investigated in thearticle. Factor analysis of gross profit and profit of operating activity of«Renome-Eurobud» LLC for the years 2014–2018 is performed. It isestablished that profit is a factor of development and consequence of anyproduction, the main indicator of successful activity of the enterprise, thefinancial result of activity of the economic entity. The influence of factors on the resulting indicators is established. The factor analysis of net profit of PE «Rivnespetsbud» for 2015-2018 is performed by the method of chain substitutions, the results of factor analysis are identified.The factors of growth of net profit of construction enterprises areoutlined. We propose to distinguish them into the following groups: external (not dependent on the activity of the enterprise) and internal factors (prioritizing the impact on the magnitude of profit), which in turn, it is advisable to classify production and non-production. Production factors are divided into extensive (affecting the size of profit through quantitative changes) and intensive (affecting through qualitative changes).A critical analysis of the opinions of analysts on the essence of the costof construction works is carried out. The directions of its minimization arecharacterized. It is determined that the most common among scientists isthe universal definition of the cost of construction works as the actual costs of the construction company, which are associated with the execution of construction works and production of products and services. It is proposed to consider the cost of construction works as a generalized indicator of the efficiency of management of construction enterprises, which involves the inclusion in its composition of the cost of necessary logistical and labor resources, maintenance costs of the control units of separate production units, the costs incurred in the delivery of the customer and facilities, also the cost of construction work performed by subcontractors.It has been found out that the most important factors for maximizingthe profit of construction enterprises are internal factors: increasing the volume of construction works while minimizing their cost; improving thequality of construction products; productivity growth and etc.

Author Biography

O. V. Pavelko, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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