
  • A. Yu. Yakymchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • A. M. Valіukh National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • O. F. Yakymchuk Regional Energy Supply Company, Rivne
  • T. M. Mykytyn Rivne State University Of Humanities, Rivne



state, natural resources, forest resources, international activity, sustainable development.


Forest ecosystems have been of great socio-economicimportance, especially in the current conditions of decentralization ofpower, formation of united territorial communities. The state of forestresources conservation in the countries of the European Union isanalyzed and new tendencies of improvement of the Ukrainian systemof management of coniferous forest resources are determined, thenecessity of carrying out changes in the state policy for rationalizationof their use and strengthening of socio-ecological-economic effects inaccordance with the concept of sustainable development has beensubstantiated. In this scientific work, ranking of developed countriesof the world on the ability and role of forests in the maintenance anddevelopment of ecosystem functions has been done. Recently, therehas been a trend of multi-purpose use of forest resources, a desire tobalance different areas of their economic use, taking into account thescarcity of forest resources, as well as the negative impact on theenvironment. The overwhelming number of sectors of the nationaleconomy have been involved in the process of forestry, which involvesthe removal and use of forest resources, as well as their reproductionand improvement. Polissia spruce forests mainly grow on wetlandsand wetlands, so wet and moist types are predominant. The stands ofPolissia spruces are low and rarely medium-productive, usuallymixed. Forest resources are timber, technical and medicinal rawmaterials, feed, food and other forest products used to meet the needsof the population and production. By their purpose they are dividedinto forest resources of national and local importance. For special useof forest resources, a fee is set at fixed rates or in the form of rent orincome derived from the sale of forest resources on competitiveterms.

Author Biographies

A. Yu. Yakymchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department ofPublic Administration, Documentation and Informational Activity

A. M. Valіukh, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Public Administration, Аssociate Professor ofDepartment of Public Administration, Documentation andInformational Activity

O. F. Yakymchuk, Regional Energy Supply Company, Rivne

Head of the Calculation Group of the Rivne BusinessSystems Department

T. M. Mykytyn, Rivne State University Of Humanities, Rivne

Candidate of Engineering (Ph.D.) Associate Professor,Head of Management Department


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