
  • O. A. Stakhiv National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • T. L. Adamchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne



potential, potential cost, valuation methods, net income, capitalization of income.


The problem of assessing the value of the potential of thebusiness entity is one of the key in the system of effective businessactivity. In general, the capacity assessment is carried out in order toidentify and substantiate the possibilities of effective functioning ofthe enterprise in the current conditions and directions of strategicdevelopment of the enterprise. Valuation and comparison of valueswas carried out on the example of Rivne-Style LLC, which in theanalyzed period was characterized by a change in financial andeconomic potential due to the volatility of procurement volumes.In the article the basic going is investigated near determinationof cost of potential of enterprise. Results undertaken studies allowedto estimate the cost of enterprise as an operating subject of menageafter different methodical approaches.The value of the enterprise as an operating entity is its consumervalue. Consumer value will be higher than market value if theenterprise is able to use the property more efficiently than a typicalmanufacturer of similar goods (works, services), and will be lower ifthe enterprise does not use the property with maximum efficiency.Consumer value may exceed market value even if the enterprise hasspecial production rights, extraordinary contracts, unique patents andlicenses, special goodwill and other intangible assets that are nottransferred to the new owner when the enterprise is sold.However, the results of the assessment differ significantly.Significant differences in results by different methods are explainedby the fact that costing techniques allow to take into account the totality of accumulated resources by an enterprise, but this estimatedoes not indicate the effectiveness of their use. Estimation of cost byincome approach showed increase of efficiency of use of resourcepotential of the enterprise. The first estimate allows to determine thevalue of the enterprise in exchange (market value), and the second –the value in use (consumer value). Estimation of potential componentsshows the contribution of each element to the formation of value.

Author Biographies

O. A. Stakhiv, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

T. L. Adamchuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Lecturer


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